Data driver framework with Selenium webdriver | Selenium Forum
Posted on 04/07/2016

I am going to video 20. Do we have video class for any Data driver framework with Selenium webdriver?
Where live projects with live selenium code instead of dummy datas.

Replied on 04/07/2016

we have automated rediff please watch the latest "new 2014"

Replied on 04/07/2016

In Selenium Videos - Module 20 there are three sub modules such as Release year 2011,Release year 2013 and Release year 2015. Which sub module video I need to find "New - aug 2014" for rediff mail automation. I need to watch those videos. Can you please guide me what are those videos to watch rediff mail test automation using data driver framework.

Replied on 05/07/2016

[quote:1ny47z7t]Can you please guide me what are those videos to watch rediff mail test automation using data driver framework.
watch year 2015. and it it is rediff not rediff mail.