Data driven approach- Module 20 | Selenium Forum
Posted on 26/02/2016
Hi Ashish,

I tried to create data driven approach with maven and testNG( Explained in module 20) using Xls_reader file. I need to read test data from Xlsx file, I have set of 20 test data in different rows for one test case but for that one test case I will have one assertion for validating all 20 scenarios which are including positive and negative scenarios. How to handle negative scenarios against one assertion.

For example :- I have test case for User Registration in application.And I have 20 scenarios to test like validating valid email user, invalid email user(-Ve scenario), invalid password(-ve scenario), All these scenarios will have different rows in xl and I am reading data successfully in my test case. But in my test case I have added one assertion - if URL of application changes to /enroll means test case passed and user registration successfully completed, if not then test case failed. But for my -ve scenarios like invalid email, invalid password, submit button itself will not enable and test case will fail.

My question is how to handle all scenarios(+ve and -ve) mentioned in Xl sheet against one assertion(for +ve scenario) in my test case?

Please suggest.

Replied on 27/02/2016

Keep a col with exp result in sheet
Mention the err message in that and then use selenium to read err from app
Compare that err to value in that col

Replied on 28/02/2016

Thanks for response.

In my Application, I need to register new user and I have to supply data in couple of fields like first name ,last name, email, password etc. and the click on submit button. I have added all validation scenarios in Xl sheet along with Expected result col.

Now, the behavior of app is if any invalid data is provided like incorrect email,null email,invalid password(all -ve scenarios) submit button will be disabled where as in other cases with + ve scenarios submit button will enable and I can proceed with registering new user process.

How to handle it?

Replied on 03/03/2016

you have to make another column for expected result.