Cucumber Maven JUNit – Reporting failed cases and moving exe | Selenium Forum
Posted on 05/10/2016
Looking if there is any way to report the failed case in html report file and move ahead with next steps in a particular scenario in feature file.

Assume, In a webpage, need to verify for few buttons availability. Say need to verify elements A,B,C,D,E are available in a web page or not. Assume, one among those are not visible, among A,B,C,D,E say text C is not displayed, in that case I would like to have report in html file saying C failed and move to verify for D and E in same scenario

Feature: Verify buttons in page

Scenario: Verify Home page buttons
Given Home page opened
Then Verify button A
Then Verify link B
Then verify text C
Then verify image D
Then verify radiobutton E

Assume, in above case C failed, I want a reporting where html report would fail scenario (which currently happen in Cucumber) however along with it I need to move to next steps to verify D and also verify E.

As of now, when C fails, scenario getting failed and moving into next scenario.

Thank you in advance for your help

Replied on 06/10/2016

Thank you admin for quick reply.

However my question was, I also need to move to verifying D and E in same scenario and then move to next scenario.
In case I mentioned above, D and E skips and moves to next Scenario in feature file