Compilation error in POM.xml | Selenium Forum
Soumya Ghosh Posted on 13/06/2019



For your module 23-Testng Datadriven Testing I have used the pom.xml for DataDriven_Zoho_2016 where I have modified only Selenium version  to 3.141.59 and Apache Maven Surfire plugin to 2.22.2.Others remain same.Every time I am getting compilation error .Can you please provide me correct pom.xml for this project?




Ashish Thakur Replied on 13/06/2019

Please do not copy the complete POM.xml, just use the dependencies from that.

Soumya Ghosh Replied on 13/06/2019

I was exactly recreating the same project from the video related to zoho website.Can you please let me know which dependency I should discard?

Ashish Thakur Replied on 17/06/2019

When you run the command mvn archetype:generate, the pom.xml gets generated automatically.

All you have to do is that you need to copy dependencies into it from other projects