Columns on page | Selenium Forum
Posted on 07/12/2016
I have page with columns.
Trying to validate all the columns on the page the issues is if the column out of screen it will not consider for validation.
even if column displayed partial it wont consider for validation.
Screen attached.

Replied on 09/12/2016

Can you send screenshot of page and kind of output you are getting
You can also use java scriptexecutor to scroll horizontally

Replied on 09/12/2016

Second screen shot is of my page screen.
I can scroll but what about half displayed name like Fst Nm.
For that i can increase the width of column but that is not proper solution.
and can't go every page and adjust the col width.

Replied on 09/12/2016

and if i do compare with xls value it says not matching but if adjust col width it says it matching.