Captcha like Selenium automation:is it possible sir? | Selenium Forum
Posted on 22/09/2016
Sir i have a login page,

This [b:2gbgsylp]url is in restricted environment[With https crossed in address bar][/b:2gbgsylp]

It also involves , a key say "1234" this has a "xyxyxy" value in hashtable.For respective key ,am expected to automate sendkeys of respective value & click login button.

Query here:
I know sir captcha lik in gmail can't be automated[b:2gbgsylp].But is this scenario i mentioned above automatable ?
When i attempt login, am getting message "Restrictive environment Try again" .[/b:2gbgsylp]

[b:2gbgsylp]Pls suggest : Can this be automated , if i can bypass a secure network ?
Am not even sure if , application is not restricting selenium scripts to run "after getting above error message".[/b:2gbgsylp]

Replied on 22/09/2016

send a screen shot.

Replied on 22/09/2016

Sir , this is secured /certificate specific i assumed.

Used DesiredCapabilities;
cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true);

Pls find snapshot even before i get a chance to enter key-value pair. I get following error:

Responsive image

Replied on 22/09/2016

seems like this web app can't be automated by selenium.