Can you please let me know where you have explained about Me | Selenium Forum
Posted on 18/05/2016
Hi Ashish,

Can you please let me know where you have explained about "Method m" in module 9 ?

Thank you

Replied on 19/05/2016

what do you mean? it must be explained inside module 9.

Replied on 19/05/2016

Sorry if i have confused you with my question. what i mean is i have already went through module 9 and now i am working on module 20 which is TestNg and Data Driven Framework with Maven, Jenkins, Grid.

When i am listening about the common TestDataProvider concept in Module 20 - PART-7 at 08:32min in that video you told that you have explained this "Method m" concept in Module 9

Can you please just point me in the direction in which PART you have explained about "Method m" concept in module 9.

So that it reduces my effort of going through entire module 9 for this concept.

Thank you.

[quote:l97iyqz4] @DataProvider(name = "SuiteBDataProvider")
public Object[][] getDataSuiteB([b:l97iyqz4]Method m[/b:l97iyqz4]){
Xls_Reader xls1 = new Xls_Reader(prop.getProperty("xlsfilepath_testdata")+"SuiteB.xlsx");
return Utility.getData([b:l97iyqz4]m.getName()[/b:l97iyqz4], xls1);

Replied on 20/05/2016

method m is used for getting different data from same data provider.

. . . .

this has been explained in module 9.