Build failure is happening when giving ant compile command | Selenium Forum
Posted on 10/11/2016
Hi Ashish,

As you explained in video no. 3 of module 9 for XSLT report generation from ANT I am doing practice for the same but I am getting build failure message.I have downloaded the build.xml file from code available on your site and used in my project but in eclipse I can see there are some error/warning message but I am unable to understand it why it is showing error so for compilation I have deleted these two warning lines and give command "ant compile" but I am getting build failed message. I am attaching screenshot of errors. Could you please help me for resolution of these errors so that I can get XSLT reports.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Replied on 11/11/2016

junit jar file is missing from jars folder. add it.

Replied on 14/11/2016

I have added the junit jar file in the project but still getting the same can refer attached screenshot for your reference. Kindly help me on the same.

Replied on 15/11/2016

can you hover over the mouse and show me the error?

Replied on 16/11/2016

I have attached the screenshot after hovering the mouse for your reference. could you please go through it and help me on the same.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Replied on 17/11/2016