BDD Cucumber - Is there any way to parallel run of scenarios | Selenium Forum
Posted on 02/12/2016
Hi, I have prepared a BDD cucumber framework after watching the videos - 24 & 25. I want to execute multiple scenarios as well as examples of a single scenario.

Is there any way we can execute this scenarios and examples simultaneously (same as we do in hybrid framework with testNG 'parallel=true' in testng.xml).

Replied on 09/12/2016

Yes through testng you can do
But you will have to implement cucumber with testng
We are preparing videos on this

Replied on 14/12/2016

Thank you Ashish. When can I expect those videos. I will eagerly wait for those videos, because testNG seems easier to implement than junit. Responsive image

Also, currently I am taking data from "examples" tag with "Scenario Outline". But I want to take data from excel file in the same way we do in hybrid framework. Let me know if it is possible.