Automating JIRA portal? | Selenium Forum
Posted on 30/01/2017
Hi All,

Anybody tried automating Jira portal?

We use Jira for bug tracking. And to create bugs we use a specific template and we will have to clone the template everytime and its bit time consuming, so thought of automating it using selenium where all the needed data would be entered in Excel and tickets will be created in Jira at the end of the day is the thought.

I was trying to automate, but many objects are not getting identified. Then, when i checked online many people suggested to use API, but i was not able to get the complete information of the API.

Could you please share your thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Replied on 02/02/2017

i'm afraid we don't have videos on that.

Replied on 02/02/2017

But question is more like to know if its possible.

If its possible, then we could probably get some idea on how to do it.

Replied on 02/02/2017

It can be automated, some of our students have automated it successfully.

which framework do you want to use?

Replied on 12/12/2017


I am using POM in my project and there is a requirement to integrate it with JIRA, could you please help me in that.
any reference or forum to get info on this.


Replied on 13/12/2017


Jira isn't exactly a TCM (Test Case Manager) application, though it's certainly possible to track tests using Jira... The point being, you'd likely be looking at a fair amount of custom code work trying to get test launch/scheduling capabilities integrated. You'd be far better off using something like Jenkins or Team City for your kick off.

To get results back into Jira, you'd need two things. First up is a test framework. TestNG is a great match for Selenium, as is JUnit, assuming you're using the Java language binding. Regardless of language, however, you will need a test framework alongside Selenium. I'm unsure of any library off the top of my head that integrates a test framework into Jira, so there may be some custom code involved to capture the result of an automated test and relay those results into Jira, which is the second needed item. As @Helping Hands mentioned, their REST API is likely a good place to start. There may be a listener out there for TestNG that may do this, but a cursory google search didn't return any readily valuable information.

If I may opine a bit, I wonder if Jira is really the best tool for the job here. I realize you may have constraints that restrict your options here, but I think integrating into Jira may be bit of wheel re-invention. Tools like qTest or TestRail are purpose built for QA activities, integrate with Jira on their own, and provide support for automation results reporting out of the box. I'm not saying what you want to do is a bad idea, just that there may be other options that may not require as much overhead to producing value.

I hope this helps. If you can provide some more detail about your goals, I'd be happy to add more specific input.