Ant compilation erroe @ symbol not found | Selenium Forum
Posted on 19/02/2016
Hi ,

I have attached the screen shot taken in cmd mode the error msg is that the @ symbol is not found while I am compiling the code in ant the build is successful but when the compile comand is given I am getting this error . But when run is eclipse in Junit its fine not error .Can you help me out please .

Thank you

Replied on 19/02/2016

your ant cannot find jar files. please see if they're all available in the designated folder.

Replied on 20/02/2016

Hi Ashish,

Thank you . I had my lib folder inside jar and the jars inside that I guess Ant wasn't able too read it I then copied that
pasted it in the same jar folder and now I was able to compile and run .The build was successful and I could see the class files in the build
folder later .Thank you .

Thank you