Upload a File to Website? | Selenium Forum
unlimited.oliver.k Posted on 19/09/2023

Dear team,

I have a website like this. To upload a file to a website, then user has to:

1. click to Choose button, then windows explorer will pop up.

2. Browse to select a file in somewhere

3. click Open button in Explorer to select file.

4. Now file will be displayed in website with selected filename.

5. Click Import button to be able to upload


I have problem at step #2 and #3, I don't know how to interact with this explorer.  Look the website is using ajax and check file first. I can't use sendKeys() function to  fill the file path there.

Please help urgent. I want to run code in Linux environment also. But want to deal with windows first.

Thank you,



unlimited.oliver.k Replied on 19/09/2023

and the Upload File is not INPUT TYPE. 

I want to do solution when running with LINUX also.

Responsive image

unlimited.oliver.k Replied on 19/09/2023

As the Video, we can deal with AutoIT, but how to work with LINUX as AutoIT doesn't support Linux, :(

mdsapon Replied on 14/11/2023

If you are running automation in your local device (not selenium grid) then try to use Robot class, this will help to upload files by using keyboard keys and deal with windows object, check below link: 
