Mac Setup for Selenium re: environment variables, maven | Selenium Forum
Erik Hendin Posted on 08/02/2023

I have gone through the Selenium training before and am now doing it again and moving to a Mac but the set up is a bit different in particular with regard to things like environment variables, Path, Maven. (i.e. bash_profile, etc)

Do you have any recommended practice for Mac setup? I am on macOS Monterey 12.6.2.

Thank you!

Erik Hendin Replied on 08/02/2023

What I did and it seems to have worked at least for Maven install/setup:

After downloading maven to a desired location on machine

On mac I had to create a .bash_profile file as I did not have one.

In Terminal:

cd ~/     to go to home directory

ls -la      list all files including hidden files

then create a file and open a file .bash_profile  -- you can do this via nano or vi  etc... 

nano .bash_profile

[type these two lines:]

export MAVEN_HOME=/Users/erikhendin/Documents/development/apache-maven-3.9.0


Save the file. (In Nano CTRL X and hit enter)

then close file and I restarted Terminal

NOTE: above path export MAVEN_HOME=/Users/[erikhendin]/[Documents]/[development]/apache-maven-3.9.0

the parts above in brackets will vary depending on your machine. 

Not sure if team have any suggestions, but that's what I did on Mac for setup.