I am working on TestNG Hybrid Framework for my product.
I do not want to use JSONObject as of now for anything especially for reading data from XLS. I am confused in setting up ReadingXLS.java file due to that.
I would like to read data from XLS using some other way and use it in my project.
I remember earlier you had a setup in such a way that in one excel file, one sheet have test cases list and run mode, next sheet have test steps and 3rd sheet have data for the 2nd sheet - all in one
I want to setup similar way now.
Please assist ASAP.
Ashish Thakur Replied on 03/05/2022
JSONObject is for reading data from JSON and not xls file
Please use xls_reader.java to read the data from xls
its explained in file reading video in initial sections of the course
Let's close this for now. If needed, I will come back to this question.