How to generate log properly in Parallel execution | Selenium Forum
gokulcse11 Posted on 04/08/2021

I got this interview Question

How to generate log in log file in proper manner? The particular test case steps should be aligned properly in log file when we do parallel exeution. How to achieve that?

Ashish Thakur Replied on 07/08/2021

Make sure instance of every test case is different.Thats how logs will be generated separately for every test.

gokulcse11 Replied on 07/08/2021

But still the different test case instances will execute in parallel. So all the instances will access one log file. So the report will not generate properly for each test case. Am i right?


TC1 instance execute this line log.debug("---- TC1 ------")

TC1 instance execute this line log.debug("---- TC1 Step1 ------")

TC1 instance execute this line log.debug("---- TC1 Step2 ------")

TC2 instance execute line log.debug("---- TC2 ------")

TC2 instance  execute this line log.debug("---- TC2 Step1 ------")

TC2 instance execute this line log.debug("---- TC2 Step2 ------")


In the log file the expected output in paralllel execution should be

---- TC1 ------

---- TC1 Step1 ------

---- TC1 Step2 ------

---- TC2 ------

---- TC2 Step1 ------

---- TC2 Step2 ------


But the actual output may be

---- TC1 ------

---- TC2 ------

---- TC2 Step1 ------

---- TC1 Step1 ------

---- TC1 Step2 ------

---- TC2 Step2 ------


Anyway to resolve this?

Ashish Thakur Replied on 11/08/2021

In this case keep a separate log file for every test