Device not detected in DDMS view | Appium Forum
MANISH KUMAR Posted on 15/12/2018
My device  is  not  showing  in DDMS  view , However  when  run  adbdevices  command from CMD then  device  is  showing.  When  open  DDMS  one error is showing : [2018-12-14 23:52:51 - DDMS] DDMS files not found: C:\Users\Office\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\traceview.bat  

How  to  resolve  this  ,is  i am  missing  something  in  setup  ?
Please find screencast link :

Please  help  me..

aditya Replied on 20/12/2018

Kindly download traceview.bat from Google and place it in tools directory

MANISH KUMAR Replied on 22/12/2018

Fixed the traceview.bat problem.. But still mobile device did not detect in DDMS view how ever downloaded driver for my phone redmi note 5..
Moreover able to see device when run CMD command adb devices.

How will be device detect in DDMS view.. Please help me on this i am unable to proceed further.

aditya Replied on 27/12/2018

Try running your appium test and share your findings