Automating longpressdrag and drop operations using appium | Appium Forum
Vishal Posted on 08/02/2019

Hello whizdom team, 

I have a query regarding video - day 14 from batch recording section. In the code snippet used for dragging and dropping an element using longpress, no re-initialization of "allname collection" was done, still "topelement" and the loop were working fine in the demo. Can you please look into this query of mine and help me understand the reason behind the execution. 

Basis of my query is:- As in appium only the visible section on the screen will be captured and stored inside the collection and as we are moving the element down while dragging, so technically the view will also change (as the screen will change) and so as the collection should also be updated every time to make it run continously. As here my "topelement" should also change everytime with a new screen view appearing during that drag.


aditya Replied on 14/02/2019

Can you please have a glance over latest code .Hope that helps