Setting Environment Variable for Android and missing Support Repository options in SDK Tools -- need Help | Appium Forum
Monal Posted on 03/03/2020

Hi Support Team,

Question 1: In my Windows 10 for Android Environment Setting the Path like below: But I am not sure because after setting like below and going to Terminal > android I do not see the desired output like in lecture vide so I need help how can I fix it ? Did I missed up ?: Please see attached screenshot and let me know


Question 2: Also when I downloaded the latest Android version 3.6... I do not see the "Support Repository" options in the Android's SDK Tools tab please see attached screenshot, so my question what should I do ? will it affect my further setting process? Please advice

Thank you,




Ashish Thakur Replied on 03/03/2020

Ques 1 Answer - You need to set platform, platform-tools and tools.. all 3 in path.. look video carefully

Ques 2 : You can ignore that

Monal Replied on 04/03/2020

Hi Support Team,

I do not see the "tools" folder after downloading Android see the attached screenshot, but there is a builds-tool/29.03 folder should I use that?

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Monal Replied on 04/03/2020

Also, note there is no Android SDK Tools option in SDK Tool tab 

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Monal Replied on 04/03/2020

This is how I am setting my Environment Settings variable for Android, please take a look at screenshot and advice is this correct?

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Monal Replied on 04/03/2020

Also, I tried with >android and android.bat command but it did not work

But when I tried with "adb" command is kinda worked please see the attached screenshot, so is that fine? If not what should I do the old video setting stuff will not work since things have been updated so, please advice

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Deepak Replied on 11/04/2020

Uncheck "Hide Obsolute Packages" in SDK Tools, you will get those options to download.