Unable to select or identify droplist of values extgen code | Selenium Forum
Posted on 21/12/2015
Hi Ashish,
Can you help me how to select list of values from drop list.
First I clicked on droplist box to expand list

[u:raxa9jrw]Dropbox html:[/u:raxa9jrw]

<input id="ext-comp-1006" class="x-form-text x-form-field x-trigger-noedit" type="text" name="quotationSelectionQuoteType" autocomplete="off" size="24" title="" readonly="" style="width: 186px;"/>

The list box values as follows. list box and list of value ext-gens are different( the above two line of code in the page for droplist box)

[u:raxa9jrw]list of values(options html)[/u:raxa9jrw]

<div id="ext-gen411" class="x-combo-list-inner" style="width: 201px; height: 100px;">
<div class="x-combo-list-item">Calculate ESV</div>
<div class="x-combo-list-item">Target Fund</div>
<div class="x-combo-list-item x-combo-selected">Target Pension At Retirement</div>
<div class="x-combo-list-item">Target Pension Todays Terms</div>
<div class="x-combo-list-item">Target Percentage Final Salary</div>

I tried different ways but not successful

With Regards

Replied on 21/12/2015

did you try findelement(By.xpath("//*(@name='quotationSelectionQuoteType')")).SendKeys("Calculate ESV");