Module29 Part2 - Cannot Invoke Firefox Chrome Edge IE invoked but cant use xpaths | Selenium Forum
Sanjiv kumar Singh Posted on 17/04/2019



Attached is the project zip file

Chrome, Mozilla, Edge cannot be invoked. Tried N number of combinations. Please help me.


IE11 is invoked.

But, Login ID and Password fields are not filled up by using the xpath or even name locators.

Nothing happens on login page with IE11.


Please help me on this part. Require Screenshare on skype to get this issue resolved, as i am unable to get resolutions in quick time which is crucial for me as of now.


Please share details how i can get Skype support.





Ashish Thakur Replied on 22/04/2019

Are you able to invoke them in regular way.

By simply writing the code