Getting multiple instances of test results for Tests in Test NG in Eclipse | Selenium Forum
Preetinder Virk Posted on 04/01/2020



I am getting multiple instances of test results for my tests in Test NG in Eclipse. This is for Module 11 TESTNG FRAMEWORK / ANT/MAVEN TESTNG INTEGRATIONS. I am attaching my screenshot here. This is not only in case of the Project which has also My Sample Suite folder from downloaded source code but also for parallel testing TestNG project. Is it because of soft asserts? Though I see it even without the asserts in Parallel Testing project.


Ashish Thakur Replied on 09/01/2020

Are you providing different sets of data to the test?

If yes, you'll see the results like this.

Preetinder Virk Replied on 01/02/2020
