Difference between webdriver and eventfiringwebdriver | Selenium Forum
raj palavarapu Posted on 09/03/2019

can I know the difference between webdriver and eventfiringwebdriver

Ashish Thakur Replied on 12/03/2019

EventFiringWebDriver is a wrapper around an arbitrary WebDriver instance which supports registering of a WebDriverEventListener, e.g. for logging purposes.




raj palavarapu Replied on 12/03/2019

I am unable to understand the difference,can you say by giving  examples

Ashish Thakur Replied on 13/03/2019

EventFiringWebDriver is also a concrete implementation of the WebDriver, but what it does is, it doesn’t implement the WebDriver directly, but binds itself to an existing object of any of the webdrivers listed above, and then when used, it triggers events. So using EventFiringWebDriver you can listen to events such as before text is changed, after text is changed, before url is loaded etc., and choose to do something with the EventFiringWebDriver.