Jenkins, Git session refers HybridFramework project which is not covered earlier | Selenium Forum
Rahul Deshpande Posted on 01/02/2021


I'm following the videos sequentially, as they are listed on the site.

Today I started with Jenkins install and setup. In this video the Hybrid Framework project is used to build. I kept wondering which session 21 project is being referred here.

Then I found that this project is worked in sessions which comes after "Junit and data driven" in "Junit and hybrid" sessions.

Could you please correct the sequence of sessions on the site so other users wont get confused?


Ashish Thakur Replied on 02/02/2021

Yes... We agree with it

Both the modules are interconnected

Jenkins is also required in Hybrid framework. We request you to watch this after hybrid framework if you want to run the framework on jenkins