How To Click On Pseudo Elements :: before Div In Selenium | Selenium Forum
Munek Posted on 17/11/2020

I am trying to click on one button ( input type) but I am getting errors 

please find attached a screenshot 

I want to click on Upload Button 


I am giving xpath  driver.FindElement(By.Id("UploadFile"));

and this is not working  error showing 

"Message = "element not interactable\n (Session info: chrome=86.0.4240.111)"


Munek Replied on 17/11/2020


Same Issue I am facing for drop down 


Can any one please help me in both scenarios 

Responsive image



Ashish Thakur Replied on 19/11/2020

The input is inside a div.

Try to click on the div

Go to the immediate outer element