In module/37/12013 I see NullPointerException in my code | Selenium Forum
Monal Posted on 23/10/2020

I followed your lecture till the begining of the above mention module 37 video Part-3 of "BUILDING FRAMEWORK WITH CUCUMBER"

IN my { class

Using this code:

@And("^I navigate to (.*)$")

public void navigate(String url) {

      System.out.println("Navigating to ";


Gives me output:(Which works fine)

Opening Browser A


Navigating to A

Typing in field . Data ashishthakur1983

Typing in field . Data password

Clicking on submit button

Opening Browser A


Navigating to A


2 Scenarios ([32m2 passed[0m)

7 Steps ([32m7 passed[0m)


BUT WHEN I ADD BELOW Code in GenericSteps2

@And("^I navigate to (.*)$")

public void navigate(String url) {

       System.out.println("Navigating to ";



Gives me NullPointer Error please see Screen shot

But in you lecture as I followed I did not saw any errors can you please explain how can I resolve this issue? How can adding

con.navigate(url); throws the NullPointerException?


Monal Replied on 23/10/2020


              Please close this issue since I have found my error after some time I forgot to block the navigate() code like so

public void navigate(String url) {



instead I had that unblock and therefore I was seeing the Null pointer exception. I guess I must have missed that in the video but found out later.

Thank you,
