Not able to click on the Login Password field on | Selenium Forum
Huraira Khandaker Posted on 09/07/2020

Hello, In the TestNG And Data Driven Framework - LIVE PROJECT part-10, I was trying to login to the but unable to enter the password in the password field. Although I have selected the unique locator for password field. I have attached my conplete project for your convenience. Please help to solve this issue.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 12/07/2020

Please use waitforpagetoload function after you have entered the username

Huraira Khandaker Replied on 12/07/2020

I already did that but still not able to find out the locator of password field. 

Ashish Thakur Replied on 15/07/2020

Not able to click on it 


you are not able to find the locator of the password field?

Huraira Khandaker Replied on 15/07/2020

I alreaady got the unique xpath for Password field but when I was trying to execute my test that time it's unable to enter the paswword in the password field even though I used waitforpagetoload function after I have entered the username.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 30/07/2020

Did you try debugging the code?

Additionally, make sure that the implicit and explicit waits are specified accordingly.