Error while launching chrome briwser / Chrome browser not launching | Selenium Forum
sumit kumar Posted on 31/03/2020

Selenium Batch 9 to 10 PM


1) Added externl .jar file to project

2)Downloaded chrome exe file and gave path as per setproperty.

3)Screen attached. showing code written, external .jar file and the location of chromeexe file on my macbook.There is not partition etc. Path is underlined in red.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 31/03/2020

please check version of chrome and download the correcponding chrome driver exe

This happens when both the versions are not compatible

sumit kumar Replied on 31/03/2020

I have checked and both are same. Attached is the screen shot conforming the same

Responsive image

Ashish Thakur Replied on 31/03/2020

You need to specify the correct path. As you are using macOS. The path needs to be specified in s separate format.

Try using the below line.

System.setProperty("", "/Users/macbookair1/Desktop/Selenium WorkSpace/chromedriver");