Xcode/iOS: Failed to register bundle identifier | Appium Forum
Kalyan Posted on 06/10/2019

Dear There,

On Mac os/Xcode 11, Bundle identifier is failed to register.

Screenshot attached for reference.

Please help me out.



aditya Replied on 07/10/2019

Please change the signing team, get the provisioning certificate and change the bundle identifier in build settings

Kalyan Replied on 12/10/2019

Dear Aditya,

App is the sample one trained to be downloaded in your video.

Now, please tell me whom should I ask for the change in the Bundle Identifier.




Kalyan Replied on 15/10/2019

Dear Aditya,

Please respond!!!




aditya Replied on 16/10/2019

Hi Kalyan 

we are uploading new video to server and that will help to resolve your conflicts and regarding signing of build, you need to contact some IOs guy and get the apple signed certificate which costs around 100 USD